Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hi everyone! Minako here and going to talk about Degree and Radian Measure.

Radian and Degree are two units for measuring angles.

Initial side- is the starting point of the ray.
Terminal side- is where an angle stops.

If the rotation is positive then it is in clockwise direction
If the rotation is negative then it is in counter-clockwise direction.

Whenever radius is equal to its arc length, then theta will always be equal to 1 radian.
Whenever radius is not equal to arc length, then theta will be greater or lesser then 1 radian.

To convert degrees to radian
multiply degrees to Π/180 degrees

example: 270 degrees

(270/1)*(pi/180) = (3/1)*(pi/2) = (3pi)/2

To convert radian to degrees
multiply radian to 180/Π
example: Π/6

(pi/6)*(180/pi) = (1/1)*(30/1) = 30

-Two angles are coterminal if they are drawn int he standard position and both have their terminal sides in the same location.

Finding the positive coterminal angles:
Just add 360 degrees to the angle given.
(add 2Π if the given is in radian)

Finding the negative coterminal angles:
Just subtract 360 degrees to the angle given.
(for degrees higher than 360, subtract another 360 until the angle turns negative)
(subtract 2Π if the given is in radian)

-An angle with the terminal side on the x-axis or y-axis. 
That is, the angles of  0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, 360°, 450°, ... as well as –90°, –180°, –270°, –360°, ...

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